An alliance of community members dedicated to advancing environmental sustainability in Louisville, Colorado

Our Alliance

The Louisville Sustainability Alliance is an inclusive coalition of community members dedicated to advancing environmental sustainability. The Alliance will democratically elect a board to organize actions, establish committees to address aspects of environmental sustainability, and collaboratively make decisions at all levels. We hope that the Alliance will enjoy broad community support in all of its actions by raising and representing the voices and perspectives of all of its diverse members.

Our Mission

The Louisville Sustainability Alliance will advance all aspects of environmental sustainability, always and especially working to tackle climate change. Through activism, advocacy, education, outreach, planning and projects, the Alliance will decarbonize our community, mitigate environmental pollution, preserve and restore natural environments, conserve natural resources, divert and reduce waste, promote sustainable development and transportation, and secure environmental equity and justice. Our members will continually revise and update our mission.

Our Goals

The Louisville Sustainability Alliance will work towards such goals as increasing renewable energy production, electrifying residences and businesses, improving local air quality, reducing light and noise pollution, restoring prairie habitat, establishing wildlife corridors, reducing water usage, increasing rates of recycling and composting, increasing the portion of trips taken by foot and bike, and mitigating wildfire risks. Through the structure of the Alliance’s board and committees, our members will set more specific goals.

Our Actions

The Louisville Sustainability Alliance will advance environmental sustainability by a variety of means: activism throughout our community; advocacy with our City Council, boards, commissions, and staff; education of our residents, business owners, and visitors; outreach to our friends and neighbors; planning for our City’s future; and projects throughout our City. Through the structure of the Alliance’s board and committees, our members will determine and implement the actions that we will take to create a more environmentally sustainable community.

Join Us

The Louisville Sustainability Alliance invites all community members to join. We seek to leverage our community’s connections, diversity, enthusiasm, and knowledge—as well as our sheer numbers—to advance environmental sustainability. We do not require any particular level of commitment or engagement from our members; rather, we aim to create and furnish opportunities that inspire our members to pursue their passion for advancing environmental sustainability.